Cold Sore and Fever Blister Remedies
Though there are a few factors that doctors will use to distinguish between cold sores and fever blisters, they are essentially the same...
Keep Your Kids Safe This Halloween
Trick or treating is one of the great American traditions, and we can still enjoy a safe night out trolling for goodies…provided we use...
Birthday Party Ideas for Age Five
When your child turns 5-years-old, it is an exciting time for both a child and her parents. This is the age when most children begin...
September Means See You in Santa Monica
Hello There! Welcome to September. It has been a minute since our last preschool fair and we're bursting at the seams with excitement...
Are You Guilty of Competitive Parenting?
In the wake of the Varsity Blues Scandal everyone is asking the question – how did modern day parenting get here? Obsessive-compulsive...
10 Things Happy Moms Do Differently
“Today’s feminism isn’t about women doing it all. It’s about women NOT having to do it all.” – Gloria Steinem I began buying into the...
Be Your Child's Best Parent, Not Their Best Friend
“Mom, are you my friend?” Those are the 5 words my son asked me. That small question made me think – how do I want to answer this? It had...
Happy Valentine's Day
Wishing you a day filled with love and warmth...always! #MyPreschoolJournal #MyPreschoolFair #family #love #ValentinesDay #celebrate
A New Year Filled with Love
Happy New Year! Cheers to 2019! Ringing in a new year is often filled with excitement of what is to come. Over the years, I've learned...
Merry Christmas to You and Your Family
The day is finally here! The holiday season is one of our favorite times of the year. We are so glad that we get to share this time with...